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Writer's pictureBelle Lueur

Self Tanning in ISO 2.0

So you’ve got nowhere to go but you’ve got a zoom wine and cheese night with the girls tomorrow and you want look good! And what’s better than a fresh tan?! Absolutely nothing.  

But how do you prep for the perfect tan?  

First shower and exfoliate! We are all for the perfect tan and dry skin removing mitt so obviously our first recommendation is our Naked Tan, Tan off mitts ( thank us later ) these RRP $10.00 in salon.  Make sure you’ve got no excess tan from a previous time and give your body a good scrub getting off all the dead skin cells ready for a fresh base!  

Next is hair removal, it is important to remember not to shave or wax the day of your tan, it should be done 12-24hours prior. We do this to allow the skin to calm, follicles to close and ensuring the skin isn’t too fresh that the self-tan doesn’t sit correctly on the skin. If you shave or wax on the day your hair follicles are open allowing the tan to seep in and irritate or create dark spots which we don’t want.  

Then we come to the day of tanning ( YAY! Who else hid away for the last 24 hours?!) It’s important that you do not wear any deodorant or antiperspirant we want you au naturel. WHY?! We recommend this because some tans can interfere with the chemicals and cause a green like stain on the skin.

Let's get that tan on ! First up, moisturising your “ rough “ areas, Elbows, hands, knees, ankles. We recommend the Naked Tan moisturiser. Crème De La Crème RRP $24.99. All smooth? Great! Get your self tanning mitts. Naked Tan RRP $14.99 for a set of 2. Give your self-tan mousse a good shake and pump a few squirts of tan onto the tanning mitts. Circular motions and ensuring it’s an even application.

After you’ve applied the tan or gotten a spray, wear loose dark clothing to allow for drying and setting for 2 or so hours depending on developing time!  

After that have a GOOD rinse off with warm water, NO soap or shampoo!!  Once you’ve jumped out of the shower, CHECK. Check you have washed it all evenly. If not, jump back in and give you body a rub with your hands and lots of water. Once you are happy with the wash off, pat dry your skin. NO RUBBING. I like to wait 24 hours until I moisturise my body ensuring the tan can develop on its own to its full potential.

This will allow the tan to last longer; Your skin will also thank you for it, as well as leaving your skin glowing ready for that zoom meet. XX BL

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